Commands/Documentation for a reset?

How would one make a “fresh install” over an already existing Twake install ?

Can you provide some documentation/commands for purging Twake/docker images/containers
to effectively restart from zero ?

N.B : Asking this cause of the last update concerning RabbitMQ issue, that apparently didn’t go well, and broke completly my Twake application, to the point that I can’t even login.

To make a fresh install (removing everything) you simply need to remove the docker-data directory.

But you should be able to update Twake without deleting everything. To clean the dockers without deleting your data run this

docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

If it doesn’t work can you tell me the logs of docker-compose logs -f --tail 100 php after trying to login ?

Have a nice day,

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Thanks again for the support.

Seems like I got a problem with PHP indeed, halas I don’t know how to properly check inside the images/containers for missing configuration files, any ideas ?

( Some output suggest not using docker-compose with sudo, which I was actually doing, so I tried both with and without sudo, but got the same results )



It seems there is an issue with php-fpm, can you pull again, I just updated our image.
Thanks for your time!

docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

Followed exactly the commands, still go the issue.

Well it seems like fpm configuration has comments starting with “;” and not “#” nor “//”, my bad it’s been a while :slight_smile:
I’m launching my last configuration and I tell you if it works.

It works on my side (I did reproduce your error, then I fixed it with my latest build).
You can do a stop - pull - up cycle again.
Tell me if it works on your side!

It seems okay on my side. Thanks.

