Import emails into Twake

Hey. Is there any way to import Emails to a channel? We’re currently stuck with this so we can’t migrate from Slack to Twake 'till such a function is not ready. Thanks!

Hi @Razva,

Could you describe more how you would use this feature ? :slight_smile:

We currently use it with three purposes:

  1. Alerting. Some systems don’t have a direct hook/api to connect to third party systems, or don’t have hooks for Slack/Teams. The usage is kinda self-explanatory: we receive the alert in a #channel, we discuss it further, we take action;
  2. Logging and Reporting. Some stuff needs to be forwarded to email. For example Spam reports from third parties, or other stuff that we receive on email and needs to be considered by more than one person;
  3. Sales & Departments. We’re small at this point and we don’t need a full-fledged CRM. So we forward all incoming mail to different common departments to a #channel, where we discuss, and then we reply via email.

Basically take a look at how Teams is doing it, or how Rocket is doing it. We’re currently using both.