Install on local ok, want to Custom domain + HTTPS

Hi, I’m interested in Twake, I’ve install on local ok follow by, I want to Custom domain + HTTPS, I follow but can not find this folder to edit /etc/nginx/site-enabled/default. I’ve still follow the last doc and my site only go online by and not https and run very slow. How can I do to put online with Custom domain + HTTPS?

I’ve tried to use this command to find nginx: find / -name “nginx” and there are so many folder like this, what’s next step I can do to use custom domain and https?


Hello @huuich and welcome to the Twake Community.

So the process described in the installation manual is to install a brand new nginx without docker and configure it to reverse proxy to the port 8000 of the machine.

The configuration needed for this reverse proxy is given on this link you already seen

Once you have your own nginx with Https configured, then you can start the docker-compose.
It will go like this: host-nginx(Your configuration) -> docker-nginx(port 8000) -> php/websokcets/etc

Once this is done, you should be able to access https://yourdomain/ajax/core/version (it give a json output with some server information)
After this step, you must configure the Parameters.php and environment.ts, let me know when you are on this step!


@romaric Thanks for reply, can I use Nginx Proxy (docker image jwilder/nginx-proxy) is an auto-configurable reverse-proxy that routes traffic from your public IP to Docker containers on the host. and LetsEncrypt Nginx Proxy Companion (docker image jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion) automates the process of creating, renewing and using Let’s Encrypt certificates for your Docker containers.
To install twake with my domain and https?

Hello can you help me to install twake

You can follow this guide and this topic to install Twake on Docker behind Apache Proxy

Once this is done, you should be able to access https://yourdomain/ajax/core/version (it give a json output with some server information)
After this step, you must configure the Parameters.php and environment.ts, let me know when you are on this step!

—> My information off my site is:

{"data":{"ready":true,"auth_mode":["internal"],"auth":{"internal":{"disable_account_creation":null,"disable_email_verification":true,"use":true}},"elastic_search_available":true,"help_link":"https:\/\/","websocket_public_key":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGeMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GMADCBiAKBgG65NWZFnj+9op68VRBN\/WtG9eRp\nMVyQiVAWSsShxIK0xLUDac4B9wADvnqZqyylFZpRsVLeXEo5FJMmmPG9OYRed5un\n0ulXWTEBBi5ON2ku91EFx1+02sd0Cbkc0hwy2A3mTPU5ykF2MqH9mUf2SQ5yhhGh\np3UZN60QZtJwmWDbAgMBAAE=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----","branding":{"name":"Twake","enable_newsletter":false}},"_cookies":[]}

How can I improve it? I can access from my domain but Seems applications and connectors not full like n8n not there? . n8n is reason take me here, how can I connect n8n with my twake site?